4 Tips to Declutter and Organize Your Home

If you struggle with clutter, you're not alone. Start fresh this season with 4 ways to help declutter your home!

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March 19, 2025
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4 Tips to Declutter and Organize Your Home


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The state of your home often impacts your day-to-day life—you spend a good deal of time at home to recharge, after all. Multiple studies have even found that you're likely to feel more stressed when you have a messy, cluttered home. 

In 2009, researchers discovered a link between heightened feelings of depression and stress and a cluttered, disorganized home. This study revealed that cluttered spaces can cause cortisol levels to rise, leading to increased chances of stress and depression. While a clean and organized home may not solve all your problems, it can provide sanctuary and inner peace when life happens. 

Decluttering Methods to Help Organize Your Home

If you find time after time that your home is in disarray despite your constant cleaning and reorganizing, you might just have too much stuff. If you struggle to minimize the amount of items you own—you’re not alone. 

Today, the average American owns way more than ever before. On average, every American home contains about 300,000 items, and it’s estimated that we own twice as much as we did 50 years ago, but it doesn’t have to be this way. To start fresh this season, we’ve compiled a list of ways to help declutter and organize your home!

  1. Declutter With The KonMari Method™ by Marie Kondo

Marie Kondo is best known for her organizing method, the KonMari Method™, which focuses on channeling our motivations and emotional connections to our items to declutter. This organizing method instructs people to divide their items into three piles—useful, love, and toss. Kondo’s decluttering method explains that every item you own should either be useful or something you love; if an item doesn’t fit into either of these categories, then the idea is that it’s not necessary to keep. Kondo recommends doing this assessment according to room and item type to make the process more manageable.

  1. Declutter With Time Usage Assessments

Nowadays, many people own way more items than they can ever use in a year, let alone a lifetime. If you have items around your home that haven’t been used in a long time, then it's time to reassess if it's necessary to keep around. Take inventory of all your items and do a time usage assessment to determine whether to keep certain items. A good place to start in your home is overflowing closets and junk drawers. Think: hundreds of pens, screws, rubber bands, clothes, and shoes. There are likely items you’re holding onto for ‘just in case,’ but all they’re doing is making your daily life more difficult. Let go of items you haven’t used in the last year to declutter your home and mind.

  1. Declutter With Quality Assessments

Sometimes, we feel guilty letting go of items with holes, frays, and other signs of aging and distress—they’re still usable, right? However, if you’ve already found replacements for these items, then the old, original ones are just collecting dust. When taking inventory of your items, consider quality when determining what to part with. If an item is in decent condition but you’ve already got a replacement, donate it; if it’s not, either repurpose it for a different use or find a way to toss it responsibly. For example, old towels can be repurposed as cleaning rags, but if there’s no place in your home for them, check if your local animal shelters accept used towels.

  1. Declutter With Numbers and Minimalism

Even with all of the above decluttering methods and assessments, some people still have too much stuff—this is where numbers and minimalism come in. Select a certain number of items to keep or set a number in mind to remove. If you have five of the same type of screwdriver, pick the best one or two and donate the rest. Instead of collecting dust and cluttering your home, these items will be able to serve their purpose for someone else. To maintain this method, note how many items you’ve brought into your home. For every item you bring home, remove the same number of items. For example, if you’ve just gone clothes shopping and brought home five new pieces of clothing, then do a quick audit in your closet or home for five items you can declutter. This way, you can maintain fewer items and organize your home better.

Decluttering your home can be stressful, but you deserve a clean, organized, and peaceful home. Schedule an hour or two a week to tackle your decluttering project to help make the process more manageable. Start fresh with a decluttered home this season—your future self will thank you!

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